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- Written by The Bringer
- Category: Front Page
- Hits: 789
These are the rules for Nation of Hope and all its member alliances:
- Event Attendance is Mandatory - attendance to events is mandatory. Repeated failure to attend these events without a note as to why (with a good valid reason) will end up getting you removed from the Alliance. This includes the following types of events:
- Zombie Apocalypse - you must make all efforts to attend. If you can not because of time restrictions, suggest 3 other times in server time that you can attend.
- Elite Wars - these are our way to gain Alliance Merit. It is very important we have 60 to 70 members attend.
- Doom Arena - we are nearing the end and now need 60-80 members each round attending.
- Void War - all players, ALL PLAYERS!! must schedule to attend one session at least, and all must prepare as outlined below.
- Void Frenzy - all players, ALL PLAYERS!!! must schedule to attend one session at least, and all must prepare as outlined below.
- Chaos - we need maximum attendance in each of the 3 rounds. Please try to attend.
- Global Conquest - this happens every 6 months and is our chance to unite as a nation. ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY in 2 of the 3 rounds.
- Absolutely No Tile Attacks - be careful not to occupy a mine if its already occupied to enemy forces or if you see access lines heading towards it. All tile attacks are reasons for dismissal, so please be careful. We many many Elite Mines, avoid using standard mines if possible.
- Do not attack NH0-9,A,B,C or NON, AGD, AG0-9, JHN! - unless they are your farms or you have gotten express permissions to attack the farms at that particular time. If you previously got permission to attack it once, do not assume that permission extends to the future. If it's not your farm ALWAYS check with the owners.
- NOHFarm## and AGDFarm## are collective farms - these farms are for all to use, but any use must be scheduled through Bringer or Mareva. We have access to resource charts and can issue resources as needed.
- Do not attack Top 15 Alliances - we are part of a global community, so in most instances, we do not attack the top 15 alliances, their farms or their academies. During Kill Events, this changes to the top 5 alliances, but still no farms of the top 15. We play with honor, and attacking farms during a kill event carries no honor.
- If unsure, ask - Error on the side of caution. If you are not certain whether you can attack someone, ask our lead members.
- Bases must be Named - All bases must have a valid name. Not "Commander12345678" or similar. If you wish to be in our Alliance, care enough about the game to name yourself.
- Provide a nice Image - Not so much a rule, but a request. Care enough about the game to change your default image to something interesting. It's a sign of respect for the game and for the rest of us.
- Contribute to Alliance Technology - As part of our alliance, it is your duty to help us grow. One of the primary ways to do that is to contribute to Alliance Technology as frequently and as much as the game will let you and you are able.
- Contribute to Alliance Institute - This is just as important if not more important than Alliance Technology. It helps us gain advantages during combat and growth.
- Be A GOOD Example - As a member of Nations of Hope, we expect you to be a shining example of what is possible if we all work together within a global community. In everything you do we ask that you embody those principles. Be a warrior, be strong, but also be compassionate.
- Move to our Hive - it is expected that all members collect around our primary NOH hive, no matter which alliance you are in.
- AUTHORIZED MERCHANTS ONLY - we have had too many disputes over purchases. So moving forward only authorized merchants may conduct business. If you conduct business with someone who is not an authorized merchant, I do not want to hear complaints. Nor will there be reprisals. Any breach of this rule will result in removal. The authorized merchants at this time are:
- RubyLove
- TheDragon
- No more than 3 days Idle - after 3 days your account will be removed and you may enter one of the sub-alliances. If you have a family event or emergency, contact me and I will make an exception to the rule. But you must arrange to have your base shielded during voids.
- VOID RULES MUST BE FOLLOWED - There are several cross-nation events, but two are important to all. The lack of action of even the few affects the many. There are several requirements during any cross-nation void event. (Void War and Void Frenzy) Please follow these, these are MANDATORY!!!!:
- A week before void start preparing your farms. Remove resources so they are empty if you do not plan to shield them.
- If you are shielding your farms, apply a 3-day shield 1 day before the void war starts. If you shield, this is the only action required for your farms.
- If you are not shielding your farms, if its a Void War (not Void Frenzy) remove all resources or arrange for them to be removed.
- If you are not shielding, by 1 day prior to the event remove your soldiers. Hide them in the Fortress or Hall. If you have more, hide them in bases that are shielding 3 days.
- DO NOT HIDE soldiers in ANY FLAGS!!!!
- Starting at 1 day before void, do not send out more troops to gather.
- Starting at 6 hours before void, recall all troops gathering.
- Starting at 4 hours before void, all members are authorized to scout and clear bases in our alliances which have not shielded or removed troops.
- Starting at 2 hours before void, all members are authorized to destroy troops hidden in mines or flags within our alliances.
- Members who do not properly follow these rules are subject to removal.
See also Kill Event Rules of Attack
- Details
- Written by The Bringer
- Category: Front Page
- Hits: 1087
Our mission is to bring unity to our world through active participation and positive examples.
We choose to lead by example and to create an environment within World(#296) that all players and alliances can enjoy.
A part of this game is to battle and that does not need to be lost. The difference is to do so in an orderly manner so that at the end of the day we can all continue to grow and make the nation stronger. Since Charlse Darwin published the "Origins of Man", its been thought by science that the nature of things is natural selection. The strong rule and the weak get eaten. But with the dawn of civilized man kind, we have through our will decided that we will work together to help each other. This is the principle of our alliance, to live as individuals but help the community to thrive. That is our mission and that is what we base all of our rules and actions upon.
Live with Honor and die valiantly.
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- Written by The Bringer
- Category: Front Page
- Hits: 60945
Nestled up against the banks of the capital in the nation of #296 of Age of Z is a our humble home. Nation of Hope. First formed in nation #202 as late-combers in the course of the nation, growth was difficult. Constant persecution and turmoil prevented our team from realizing our true potential. But withing all this it taught us to be survivors.
We are far from perfect and we may not always get it right, but our hope is to at least try. We try to bring order to the chaos. We are not the strongest yet we try to have the biggest heart. Through all things, have compassion and decency. We strive to do what is right even when it may not be what is easy.
BIG WELCOME to our newest addition JNH formerly FSB. Welcome brothers!
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- Written by The Bringer
- Category: Front Page
- Hits: 1761
We are a very welcoming team. If you are a part of us we welcome you like family. If you are not a part of us but wish to join, we will try our best to make space and welcome you with open arms.
Our family has many different parts for battle, for feeding and for learning.
- NOH - This is the main alliance. It is the strenth of the the consortium. It protectst he body and sets the laws.
- NON, JNH - These are our newest Academies for our alliance. The members previously from WPN (WePlayNaked) and FSB are now members of our team. NON (Nation of Nudists) is the Academy de la Natural for Nation of Hope. JNH is our Russian branch.
- NH1, NH2, NH3, NH4, and NH5 - These are our farm alliances. We develop them, protect them and they help us grow.
All these family members act as one unit and are protected as one unit. NOH, and NON, is where primary accounts reside. NH1, NH2, NH3, NH4 and NH5 are for secondary accounts only. All are protected.